Every School Day Counts

Fund a child's dream

Children need champions. Get involved and become a donor and give every child a fair chance to succeed in life.



Bridge The Gap is one such catalyst from the cluster of organizations working in development sector with an objective of working for the social upliftment of the backward section of the society.

The education schemes devised by the organization are in such a manner which focuses majorly on providing education to children right from pre-schooling years till they complete their higher education. Bridge The Gap has given wings to girl students as well so that they can fly in their careers with beautiful colours.

Our Work

Help us REIMAGINE a world of education that is fit for every child.


Donor Count


Children Supported


Success Stories


Campaigns Hosted

What our donors say about us

Why these donors keep giving


Luis Alvarez

Our experiences have struck significant chords in us that have resonated in our lives over the years. We love Bridge The Gap initiative because it is a movement that always strives to hear the heartbeat of each emerging college generation (the future leaders of the world).

President of Greend


Fred Houston

Education is the fundamental right of all children. It is great to see intiatives like Bridge The Gap taking the step to create a better tomorrow for innocent kids.

Software Engineer at Google